Effective March 15, 2018, Stonefield Query for Act! is replaced with Reporting4Act! - Powered by Stonefield Query, available exclusively from Keystroke Quality Computing and their authorized resellers. See Keystroke's blog post announcing Reporting4Act!
What happens to my Stonefield Query for Act!?
Nothing: you can continue to use it as you did before. When you upgrade to a new version, you'll be upgrading to Reporting4Act!, as it replaces Stonefield Query for Act!. Speaking of which, you'll want to upgrade to version 7.0 (or later), because it adds a lot of new features, including support for custom tables added in Act Premium Plus version 20.1 and later.
Will I lose any features in my Stonefield Query for Act!?
No. Your existing Stonefield Query for Act! is an Ultimate license, so you have the same full set of features you had before.
How does support work?
The same as it did before: Stonefield Software continues to provide support for both Stonefield Query for Act! and Reporting4Act!. You continue to request support by creating a support ticket on our web site.
How does software maintenance work?
If you purchased Stonefield Query for Act! from Stonefield Software, we will contact you when your software maintenance is due for renewal as we did before. If you purchased Reporting4Act! from Keystroke, they will contact you. Software maintenance works the same regardless who you purchase it from: you continue to receive updates, technical support, and use of subscription licenses as long as your software maintenance is current.
Why did Stonefield do this?
Keystroke is a world-renowned Act! reseller with a much bigger global reach than Stonefield. They also have a larger marketing and sales team. As a result, they can reach more resellers and end-users than Stonefield could ever hope to. We feel that this partnership makes both companies better and allows us to put our reporting solution into the hands of more people than ever.