Reporting4Act! comes with over 60 pre-defined sample reports for use with ACT! versions 3.0 - 6.0. To add any of these to your list of reports, choose the Import function, move into the Sample Reports\ACT! 6 subdirectory of your Reporting4Act! program directory, and select the desired report.

  • Activity Report by Contact: Displays activities grouped by the Scheduled With field of the activity record. This report includes an ask at runtime filter to choose a date range of activities.

  • Activity Report by Date Basic: This report shows activities grouped by the date of the activity.

  • Activity Report by Date Fancy: This report shows the same information as Activity Report by Date Basic, with some changes to the layout of the report.

  • Activity Report by User: All activities for a given date range, grouped by user name.

  • Calculated Field Sample: This report shows how to create a calculated field in the advanced layout designer. In this report, the commission field is a calculated field, and is defined as 15% of the amount field. In the advanced layout designer, double-click the commission field to see how this calculation is created.

  • Calculated Filter Condition Sample: This report shows how to create a calculated filter condition. The filter on this report shows history records from the past 60 days. To create such a dynamic filter, edit a filter condition, click the More button and select Expression for the Compare To setting.

  • Calculated Grouping Sample: This sample report shows how to group a report based on a calculation. In this case, the report is grouped by the first letter of the contacts' last names. This kind of calculated grouping is created using the Data Grouping option on the Report menu in the Advanced Layout Designer.

  • Column Chart - History Items by Month: This column chart shows the monthly number of history items over a given date range for a particular record manager.

  • Column Chart - History Items by RM: This column chart displays the total number of history items for each record manager, over a given date range.

  • Company Mailing Labels: Prints mailing labels with Company on the first line.

  • Contact Directory: A directory listing of contacts with complete contact information.

  • Contact Group Membership: Group membership information for contacts.

  • Contact Mailing Labels: Prints mailing labels with Contact Name on the first line.

  • Contact Report Complete: A report showing complete contact information, including full address information, user fields, and system fields.

  • Contact Report Complete with Notes: This report shows all the contact information included in Contact Report Complete, and also displays Notes/History records for each contact.

  • Contacts Not Called Recently: This report lists contacts who do not have any calls recorded in history since a given date. This is an example of an exclusion filter; the report looks for "call" history items in the date range, and excludes any contacts with any such history records.

  • Contacts Not Contacted Recently: This report lists contacts who do not have any items recorded in history since a given date. This is an example of an exclusion filter; the report looks for history items in the date range, and excludes contacts with any such history records.

  • Drilldown 1 - Child Report - History: This history report can be run through links on the Drilldown 1 - Parent Report - Contacts report. Clicking on a contact in that report will run this report, and will use the contact clicked as the filter for this report. The result is that this report will show the history items for that particular contact.

  • Drilldown 1 - Parent Report - Contacts: The contact field on this report is linked to the Drilldown 1 - Child Report - History report. This allows you to click on any contact to view a report of that contact's history items.

    The settings which create this drilldown ability are available on Step 2 of the Quick Report Wizard, in the properties of the Contact field. The link tab of the Properties screen shows the report that should be fired when a contact is clicked, as well as the filtering that should be used for the child report.

  • Drilldown 2 - Child Report - Group Contacts: This report can be run through links on the Drilldown 2 - Parent Report - Group Listing report. Clicking on a group in that report will run this report, and will use the group clicked as the filter for this report. The result is that this report will show the member contacts for that particular group.

  • Drilldown 2 - Parent Report - Group Listing: The group field on this report is linked to the Drilldown 2 - Child Report - Group Contacts report. This allows you to click on any group to view a list of that group's member contacts.

  • Dynamic Font Color Sample: This report shows a dynamic font color for a field. In this report, the Amount field is displayed in red when it is greater than $100. To create a dynamic font color, double-click on a field in the selected fields list on step 2 of the quick report wizard, and select the Style tab.

  • Dynamic Font Style Sample: This report shows a dynamic font color for a field. In this report, the Amount field is displayed in bold & italic when it is greater than $100. To create a dynamic font style, double-click on a field in the selected fields list on step 2 of the quick report wizard, and select the Style tab.

  • Exclusion Filter Sample: This report shows a simple example of an "exclude" filter. Exclude filters are used to locate the absence of records with a certain property. In this case, the report is set to exclude history items after a given date. This means that the report will display any contacts who do not have any history records after that date. Such a report is very useful for locating contacts who have not been contacted recently.

  • Group List: A simple listing of groups in the database, with a count of their contact memberships.

  • Group Membership Basic: A report showing each group with contact information for its members.

  • Group Membership Fancy: This report shows the same information as Group Membership Basic, in a modified layout.

  • Group Report Complete: This report shows complete information for each group, and lists the contacts belonging to each group.

  • Groups and Totals Sample: This report has a grouping on the Product field and totals on the Amount and Units field. To add a grouping on a field, double-click it in the selected fields list on step 2 and select the Grouping tab. To add a total on a numeric field, double-click it in the selected fields list on step 2 and select the Format tab.

  • History Summary by Company: A Cross-Tab report summarizing the history records for each company, broken down by the type of history record.

  • History Summary by Contact: Similar to the History Summary by Company, but broken down by contact name rather than by company.

  • History Summary by RM: Again similar to the History Summary by Company. This report shows history records broken down by type and by the record manager of the history items.

  • History Summary by RM, Company: A more detailed History Cross-Tab report, with information broken down by history type, company, and record manager.

  • History Summary by RM, Contact: A more detailed History Cross-Tab report, with information broken down by history type, contact, and record manager.

  • Home Address Book: This report shows home address and phone information. The filter is set up to only show contacts that have the home address field filled in.

  • Link Email and Web Addresses: This report contains links on the E-mail and Web Site fields. These links allow you to click on an e-mail address to open a new mail message, or on a web site to open your internet browser to that site. The settings for these links are available on the Link tab of the field properties on Step 2 of the Quick Report Wizard.

  • Main Address Book: This report shows main address and phone information in an address book style layout.

  • Missing Contact Info: This report shows any contacts in the database that are missing address, phone, or fax information.

  • Multiple Data Sample: In a crosstab report, it is possible to select more than one Data field. This sample sales report has the Amount and Units fields as Data fields.

  • Multiple Grouping Sample: This report demonstrates using more than one grouping on a report. Once you have added more than one group to a report, you can select the order of the groupings on the Grouping tab of the field properties screen of any of the grouped fields. This sample report is grouped by Record Manager and Product Name.

  • Multiple Row Sample: In a crosstab report, it is possible to select more than one Row field. This sample sales report has the Record Manager and Product Name fields as Row fields.

  • Notes-History by Company, Contact: A listing of Notes/History records grouped by company name and contact name. This report has had some layout changes made in the advanced layout designer.

  • Notes-History by Contact: History records for a date range, grouped by contact.

  • Phone List Basic: A listing of phone information (Main Phone, Mobile Phone, Alt Phone) for contacts.

  • Phone List Fancy: A listing of phone information in a ledger-style layout.

  • Pie Chart - Sales by RM: This simple pie chart shows the total sales for each record manager over a given date range.

  • Prompt User Sample: This report shows how to prompt the user for a value to be used in the report. This is done using the BeforeData event, which is available through the Advanced button on step 2 of the Quick Report Wizard. In this sample, the code in the BeforeData event creates a variable called gMyValue, and then uses the PromptUserForValue function to ask the user to enter a value. This value is then available for use in the report layout; the layout in this sample report simply displays it in the page header.

  • Referral Source Summary: Crosstab report counting contacts by the ID/Status and Referred By fields.

  • Sales YTD vs. LYTD: Summary report showing sales figures for the current year, as well as up to this date last year.

  • Sales by Close Month: This report lists sales records, organized by the month of the sales close date field.

  • Sales by Competitor: A listing of sales records, organized and totaled by the sales competitor field.

  • Sales by Probability: A listing of sales records, organized and totaled by probability.

  • Sales by Product: A listing of sales records, organized and totaled by product.

  • Sales by Product Type Basic: A listing of sales records, organized and totaled by product type.

  • Sales by Product Type Fancy: All sales for a date range grouped by product type. The layout of this report has been modified extensively in the advanced layout designer.

  • Sales by Reason: A listing of sales records, organized and totaled by the sales reason field.

  • Sales by Record Manager: A listing of sales records, organized and totaled by record manager.

  • Sales by Referral Source: A listing of sales records, organized and totaled by referral source.

  • Sales by Sales Stage: A listing of sales records, organized and totaled by the sales stage field.

  • Sorting Sample: This report shows how to sort a report by a field that is not displayed in the report output. To do this, add your sorting field on step 2 of the Quick Report Wizard, and turn off the "Display this field in the report" checkbox in its field properties. This sample report is sorted by last name, but the last name field is not displayed on the report.

  • Time Spent by Company: Shows activities organized by company, and gives totals for the amount of time spent for each company.

  • Top 10 Contacts by Sales Amount: The report is grouped on contact name, has a total on the sales amount field, and the summary option is turned on. This shows the totals for each contact, without displaying each individual sale. The report is sorted in descending order by amount, so the contacts with the highest total sales are listed first.

    The report also has the "top N" set to 10 in the advanced section on step 2 of the report wizard. This means only the 10 contacts with the highest total sales will display on the report.

  • Top N Sample: This report shows how to restrict the number of records appearing on a report. To set this option on a report, click the Advanced button on step 2 of the Quick Report Wizard. This sample report restricts the output to the top 20% of the records in the database.

    Note that in order to use the Top N function, a report must have a sort order set.

  • Top Selling Products: This report shows sorting a report by summary information. The report is grouped on product name, has a total on the sales amount field, and the summary option is turned on. This shows the totals for each product, without displaying each individual sale. The report is sorted in descending order by amount, so the products with the highest total sales are listed first.