Reporting4Act! comes with the following pre-defined sample reports for use with ACT! versions 2010 and later. To add any of these to your list of reports, choose the Import function, move into the Sample Reports\ACT! 2010 subdirectory of your Reporting4Act! program directory, and select the desired report.
- Activity Summary by Organizer: This cross-tabulation report shows a count of scheduled activities broken down by the type of activity, and the organizer.
- Chart Sorted Descending by Category: This report shows that charts can now be sorted in descending order by a category or series field.
- Contact Activities: This report lists and counts activities for a given date range, broken down by contact name. It also demonstrates starting a new report page for each contact.
- Contact Relationships: This report lists and counts activities for a given date range, broken down by contact name. This also demonstrates how to have a report start a new page for each contact.
- Contact Report with Multiple Details (ACT! 2010): This report shows History, Notes, Opportunity, and Activity information for a selected date range.
- Contacts Missing ID/Status: This report lists any contacts who do not have an ID/Status value specified. The listed contacts are grouped by Record Manager.
- Contacts with Missing Information: This report lists any contacts in the database who have blank phone, e-mail, or main address information.
- Contacts with No Recent Calls: This report lists contacts who do not have any calls recorded in their history since a selected date. This is an example of an "exclusion" filter in Reporting4Act!; records having such history items are excluded from the report, so only contacts without them are displayed.
- Dashboard Including Quick Report: This report shows that dashboards can now include quick reports and cross-tab reports.
- Drilldown Child - Contact History: This report is meant to be run through links on the "Drilldown Parent - Contacts" report, although it is possible to run this report manually as well.
- Drilldown Parent - Contacts: This report shows all contacts with at least one history item after a selected date. The contact field on this report is linked to the "Drilldown Child - Contact History" report, so clicking a contact in the report preview will run the linked report for that contact.
- Dynamic Font Color Example: This report demonstrates a dynamic font color for a report field. In this report, the total field is displayed in red when it is greater than $1,000. The settings for a dynamic font color are available on the Style tab of the Field Properties screen.
- Dynamic Font Style Example: This report demonstrates a dynamic font style for a report field. In this report, the total field is displayed in bold when it is greater than $1,000. The settings for a dynamic font style are available on the Style tab of the Field Properties screen.
- E-mail Legality Check: This report shows contacts who have an e-mail address entered, but whose e-mail address is missing a "@" or a "." character.
- E-mail List: This report shows a simple listing of contacts and their email addresses. It also demonstrates report links; clicking an e-mail address in the report preview window will open a message to that address. This report also uses the "auto-fit to page" option, so the font size is automatically adjusted to fit your data to the width of the page.
- Field Background Color: This report shows Query's new support for background color for fields.
- Group Information: This report is a simple listing of groups in the database.
- Group Information by Hierarchy: This report is a simple listing of groups in the database, organized by group hierarchy rather than group name.
- Group Membership: This simple report shows which contacts are members of each ACT! group.
- History by Activity Type: This report shows contact history items, grouped by their activity types, for the specified date range. History items without any activity type are not included in the report.
- History by Activity Type with Chart: This report shows contact history items, grouped by their activity types, for the specified date range. At the end of the report, a chart shows the total number of history items of each type, for each record manager appearing on the report. History items without any activity type are not included in the report.
- History by Record Manager and Activity Type: This report shows the total number of contact history items by activity type and record manager.
- History by Record Manager with Activity Type and Details: This report shows contact history items, grouped by their activity types, for the specified date range. History items without any activity type are not included in the report.
- History with Expression Filter (current month): This history report shows the use of an expression to create a dynamic filter condition. This report shows contact history for the current month.
- History with Expression Filter (past 60 days): This history report shows the use of an expression to create a dynamic filter condition. This report shows contact history for the past 60 days.
- History/Time Spent Total Duration: This report shows all history for the specified date range, grouped by contact. The report also totals the duration of the history items for each contact, and for the entire report.
- Mailing Labels - Company: This report prints mailing labels with the company name on the first line.
- Mailing Labels - Contact: This report prints mailing labels with the contact name on the first line. It also demonstrates sorting a report using a field (Last Name) that does not appear in the report output.
- Monthly History Item Counts by Record Manager: This chart shows counts of the number of history items recorded each month by each record manager. This demonstrates creating multiple report series based on an ACT! field (Estimated Close Date).
- Most Recent Contact History by Company: This report shows information from the Contact and Contact History tables, for the selected history date range. Only the most recent history item is shown for each company on the report.
- Most Recent Opportunity History by Company: This report shows information from the Contact Opportunity and Opportunity History tables, for the selected history date range. Only the most recent history item is shown for each company in the report.
- Most Recent Three Opportunities by Customer: This report shows how the new "Number of Records per Group" setting allows you to retrieve only the most recent opportunities for each contact.
- Name Badges: This report uses the Label Wizard to create name badges, with some simple formatting applied.
- New Contacts Created by Record Manager: This report lists new contacts created during the specified date range. The listed contacts are grouped by Record Manager.
- Open Opportunities by Estimated Close Month: This report lists open opportunities, broken down by the month of their estimated closing dates. This shows Query's feature for displaying a date field as its month (or week, year, etc) rather than its exact date.
- Open Opportunity Summary: This cross-tabulation report shows open opportunities summarized by record manager and estimated close month.
- Open Opportunity Summary 2: This cross-tabulation report shows open opportunities summarized by record manager, stage, and estimated close month.
- Opportunities Missing Referral: This report lists any contact opportunities whose Referred By field is not filled in. The report filters its data to only show opportunities with an Estimated Close Date in the specified range.
- Opportunity % Change by Record Manager: This report shows totals for closed opportunities, broken down by record manager and year, and showing the year-to-year percentage changes.
- Opportunities Won/Lost by Record Manager and Competitor: This cross-tabulation report shows counts of closed opportunities, categorized by Record Manager, Competitor, and Won/Lost status.
- Opportunities Won/Lost by Record Manager and Reason: This cross-tabulation report shows counts of closed opportunities, categorized by Record Manager, Reason, and Won/Lost status.
- Opportunity Pipeline Report: This report shows opportunity records broken down by stage.
- Opportunity Total Change by Record Manager: This report shows totals for closed opportunities, broken down by record manager and year, and showing the year-to-year total changes.
- Opportunity Totals by Record Manager: This pie chart shows totals for open opportunities by record manager.
- Positioning ACT! to a Contact Record: This report demonstrates Reporting4Act!'s ability to position ACT! itself to a record. The report displays a list of all contacts having at least one history record after a selected date; clicking on a contact in the report preview will display that contact's in ACT!. Note that ACT! must be running for this action to work.
- Prompt User Example: This report demonstrates prompting the user to enter a value. In this example, the user's value is simply displayed in the report header; a production report would likely use this value in a calculation or similar report function.
The code for the prompt is in the BeforeData script event of the report. This script is available through the Advanced button on Step 2 of the Quick Report Wizard.
- Title Page Example: This report demonstrates the use of a title page.
- Top Contacts by History Duration: This report shows the total duration of Call Completed and Meeting Held history items for contacts. The report is sorted in descending order by this total duration, and only the top 20 contacts are shown.
- Upcoming Open Opportunities by Record Manager with E-mail: This report shows open opportunities with estimated close dates in the next 90 days. The opportunities are grouped by record manager, and the record manager e-mail field is included in the report, but not displayed in its layout. This allows the report to be run using the option to output each group as a separate e-mail message.