After installing Reporting4Act! on a network server, how do I install it on a workstation?
A setup program called WSSetup.exe in the Reporting4Act! program directory will take care of that for you. On the workstation, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the program directory on the server, then double-click WSSetup.exe and follow the prompts to install it on the workstation.
I use a proxy server to access the Internet. How can I get online activation and maintenance renewal to work with my proxy server?
Tell Reporting4Act! about that server by filling in the Proxy Server settings in the Options dialog.
Can I use Reporting4Act! on a 64-bit version of Windows?
Although it's a 32-bit application, Reporting4Act! works just fine on 64-bit versions of Windows.
When I try to install Reporting4Act!, I get "Error 1327: invalid drive."
This is usually caused by an invalid entry in your Registry. Use RegEdit to check the values of the following Registry keys (you may have to get a technical support person to do this if you haven't used RegEdit before). One or more of them may contain an invalid drive letter.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
When I ran Reporting4Act! the first time, I entered the location of where Reporting4Act! stores its data files. However, now I want to use a different folder (it was installed on a local workstation, now I want it on a server so all users can share reports). How do I do that?
Reports are shared by specifying a common location for where Reporting4Act! stores its own data files. The first time you run Reporting4Act!, it asks where you want to store its data files. If you choose a local directory (the default is the directory Reporting4Act! is installed in), you can't share reports. To change that location, see the Changing the Location for Reports help topic.
©, 2024 • Updated: 04/25/18
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