Stonefield Query allows you to report on data from more than one company in the same report. To do that, click the Companies button in the Filter page of the Reports Explorer or the report wizard to display a list of companies to include in this report. If none are selected, the report includes data from the currently selected company only. Turn on the "All" option to automatically select all companies or turn it off to deselect all companies.
Note that every table has a "Source Company" field that contains the name of the company each record came from. Include this field in your report if you want to see which company contained each record.
You must have an Ultimate license or the company button does not appear.
If you run a report with multiple companies and it cannot connect to one or more of the specified companies, the program asks you if you want to continue or may stop running altogether. If the Continue running reports if cannot connect or one report fails setting in the Options dialog is turned on, the report continues to run without asking you.
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 02/01/21
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