You can add an item to your GoldMine menu to launch Stonefield Query so you don't have to find its icon on the Windows Desktop or in the Start menu. To do so, select the Add Stonefield Query to GoldMine Menu function from the Tools Menu. GoldMine must be running when you select this function or you'll get a warning message.

The next time you start GoldMine, you'll see a "Stonefield Query" item in the File menu. Select this item to run Stonefield Query. The database currently open in GoldMine is automatically opened in Stonefield Query. If your GoldMine user name is also a valid user name for Stonefield Query, the login dialog is skipped and you're automatically logged into Stonefield Query.

If you want Stonefield Query to automatically print a particular report, select the Add Selected Report to GoldMine menu function from the Tools menu. A new "Run report name Report" function (where report name is the name of the report to run) appears in the GoldMine File menu the next time you start it.

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 01/14/22
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