about 1 minute to read

The options in Step 3 allow you to determine who can access your dashboard and what they can do with it.

The options in this step are:

  • Available groups: this shows which user groups do not have access to this dashboard.

  • Selected groups: this shows which user groups have access to this dashboard. By default, the Everyone group has access to a new dashboard, so all users can see it. If you want only certain users to see it, remove the Everyone group from the Selected list and add the appropriate groups from the Available list. If no groups have access to the dashboard, the dashboard is essentially private, available only to you.

  • Add: clicking this button adds the selected group in the Available list to the Selected list. You can select several groups by holding down the Ctrl key as you select them; clicking Add adds all selected groups to the Selected list. You can also add the group by double-clicking it in the Available list, selecting it and pressing Enter, or dragging the group from the Available list to the Selected list. The group is removed from the Available list.

  • Add all: clicking this button adds all groups from the Available list to the Selected list.

  • Remove: clicking this button removes the selected group (or groups if you have selected more than one) from the Selected list. You can also remove the group by dragging it from the Selected list to the Available list. The group is added to the Available list.

  • Remove all: clicking this button removes all groups from the Selected list, and adds them to the Available list.

  • In addition to running the report, users in the selected group may modify or delete this report: turn this option on if the selected group in the Selected list can edit or delete this dashboard; if this item is turned off, only you are able to do so.

© Keystroke.ca, 2024 • Updated: 06/07/16
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