The functions in the Help menu provide help information for Stonefield Query. These functions are:
Help Topics: displays help for Stonefield Query. The shortcut key for this function is F1.
Technical Support: displays information about how to obtain technical support for Stonefield Query.
Online Support: navigates your browser to the support center Web site.
Knowledgebase: navigates your browser to the program Knowledgebase.
Customer Portal: navigates your browser to the customer portal.
News from Stonefield Software Inc.: displays the News dialog.
Check for Updates: checks our server to see if a newer version is available. If so, a dialog showing some of the new features displays. If your software maintenance is current, you have the option of downloading and installing this version. If your software maintenance has lapsed, you do not have this ability.
About Stonefield Query for AccountMate SQL: displays the About Stonefield Query for AccountMate SQL dialog. This dialog shows information about Stonefield Query, including the version number, number of licenses, and information that may help our technical support staff, such as where Stonefield Query is installed and the selected database. There are also links you can click to send an email to our technical support staff, to navigate your browser to our Web site, or to copy the serial number to the Windows clipboard. You can copy the settings shown in this dialog to the Windows clipboard by clicking the Copy Settings link; this is handy for sending information to our technical support staff. You can also click the blue items in the list of settings to display the contents of that directory.
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 01/29/21
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